Tuesday, July 15, 2014

What I'm missing this week at Disney...

Ok, first a little background on why I decided to blog about missing Disney.  I am a Disney fanatic, been one since birth.  Grew up watching the movies, the channel, visiting the resort in Orlando, FL, dreaming of being a Disney Princess...you get the idea.  Ever since I was able to work and afford an Annual Pass, I had one and enjoyed it thoroughly.  Unfortunately, due to changes in finances, I was forced to let my pass expire.  Now this Disney-lover is just spending the days remembering and missing the many amazing places, things, food, rides, and experiences of Disney World.  Consider it my therapy!  So come reminisce with me about all things Disney...

The thing I'm missing most this week:  the Contemporary Resort.

View of Wishes fireworks from the Contemporary Resort
This place holds a special place in my heart.  I was fortunate to spend many vacations at this hotel when I was young.  I got ready for my wedding at this hotel.  Beyond my attachments, however, this hotel is just so cool! It was one of two original hotels on property, the building's design is so unique, it has a beautiful mural in the center, all of the rooms have an amazing view out of their balcony and their front door, and - oh yeah - the monorail goes through the middle! If you want to experience a true Disney atmosphere in a hotel, the Contemporary is it.  

I'm missing that distinct Contemporary smell.  The lobby has its own scent, smells like a flower mixture but can't quite put my finger on it.  Whatever it is, it's amazing.  There is also a distinct smell on the fourth floor.  I have no idea what it is - maybe a combination of Chef Mickey's food, merchandise, and kids' laughter - but again, it's amazing.  I sometimes smell (or think I smell) that scent and I'm instantly taken back to the fourth floor of the Contemporary.  

Another thing I'm missing at the Contemporary is watching the Electrical Water Pageant from the dock behind the Contemporary.  This lighted show on the water has been a Disney staple since the beginning.  Although it may be simple, it is just so magical.  The lights and the music together are so much fun and just make you feel like a kid again.  My favorite part?  Under the Sea.

I really could go on and on, I haven't even gone into character dining at Chef Mickey's (so fun), dining at the California Grill (amazing food), or the Bay Lake Tower (so beautiful).  So that's it, that is what I'm missing this week at Disney World.  What about you?  Is the Contemporary your favorite resort?  If not, which resort are you missing?

Now, I know I could still visit the Contemporary without an Annual Pass, but honestly, this is what I was missing most right now.  There are many more Disney parks experiences to be missed in the coming weeks!

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